Have you been dying to hop on the dome cake trend, but aren't sure exactly how? My dome cake class will give you all the details you need - including how to achieve that disctinctive shape with any recipe, how to manipulate your buttercream to a silky smooth finish on a curved surface, and three different decorating techniques for your dome.
What you'll get:
An incredibly detailed video + a digital zine with four recipes and tons of written instructions.
Note: you'll receive your class in an email with a link to download the PDF of the zine, so make sure you put down an email you have access to at checkout!
A note for potential customers in Indonesia and China: The web host, Vimeo, that we use is blocked in these countries, so you won't be able to use the video portion of the class. We're working on a work-around!
The digital zine will contain the link to the video. You can also print the zine out to have as a reference while you watch! If you have any issues figuring out how to access your digital product, I'm here to help. Just shoot me an email and I'll sort you out!
The details:
We begin by baking three 6-inch layers of very moist and tender almond cake (don’t worry- this method can be applied to any type of cake!). I’ll give you recipes for a simple lemon curd or custardy cake filling, easily customizable to your tastes. The cake is covered in Swiss meringue buttercream, and I’ll show you step-by-step how I crumb coat the cake, prepare the buttercream for its silky final coat, and then shape it to a glossy, smooth, curved finish.
To complete the cake, I demonstrate three different piping techniques - the wide basketweave tip, a classic Bayou Saint Cake squiggle, and a large buttercream ruffle.
You won’t need to follow my recipes exactly, or even at all, to master the techniques I talk about in the class. Feel free to use your favorite cake recipe or whatever filling you like. If you’d like to make a dome cake in a different shape by using different sized pans, you can use my method to achieve a wide variety of sizes and looks for your dome. I’ll demonstrate how to manipulate buttercream to achieve a silky smooth finish, regardless of the shape of cake you’re building.
This class may be best for moderately experienced cake makers, who have stacked a layer cake in the past and are generally familiar with the ins and outs of baking. However, I genuinely believe that with practice, anyone can achieve these effects. I should also note: the recipes in this class are available in both volume and grams, but I think your baking will improve SO much if you use a scale.
Following is a list of tools that you will need to successfully achieve the techniques and recipes shown in class. It looks long, but if you’re an avid home baker, you probably already have most of them!
Tools you’ll need for class
A stand mixer with a whisk attachment
A medium sized pot, for boiling water (ideally, the bowl of your mixer will fit snugly in the pot)
A digital thermometer
A whisk and a spatula
Three 6” cake pans (if you're planning on following my recipe exactly - you don't have to in order to learn the techniques I discuss!)
Parchment paper
A medium sized bowl or two
A sturdy cake turntable
A metal cake scraper
A short offset spatula
A long offset spatula
A tall container that you can use to store your offset spatulas and cake scraper in warm water - perhaps a wide mouthed mason jar, or a tall liquid measuring cup.
Piping bags
Some tools that are handy but not essential:
a digital scale
A butane torch. Skip the ones that appear to be made for kitchens - no one uses those types in professional spaces. Buy one from a hardware store and it will last forever.
A wide basketweave tip (if you’d like to try that affect)
A narrow plain tip (if you’d like to try a squiggle)
An oven thermometer
Have any questions before buying the class? Shoot me an email at bayousaintcake@gmail.com - I'm here to help!
Note: The video portion of this class is not available in Indonesia or China